Instagram Tips & Tricks

Instagram is ever updating and since it’s one of my main loves and hobbies I thought I would share some tips, tricks, and hacks I’ve discovered. Hopefully they come in handy to you since maybe you don’t spend every minute of every day on the platform like I do! #addicted

17 Instagram Tips & Tricks

1) Adding a picture from your camera roll to your Instagram Story

I just so happened to be in a social media conference session when Instagram unveiled stories and I was thrilled. I love Snapchat but Instagram has my heart. I knew adding a picture was possible because I’d seen a friends but this easy trick eluded me for some time.

Simply hit the + icon like you would to snap a real time photo for your story (this can also be done by swiping right from your feed). Swipe down on your screen. Your latest images in your camera roll will appear at the top. Scroll through, select, add filters and text like any other story snap. If the image isn’t there, you might need to re-save it in your roll to appear in the latest photos. Continue reading

Gym Chronicles: Split Happens

One of the reasons I chose the gym I did, besides the no sign up fees, was location. There is one close to my office and one close to my home. My first trip to the location by my house was a weekday at lunch.

I’m lucky to be able to work from home one day a week and I go to the gym on my lunch those days. Having done my research in GREATER detail on what exact machines and exercises I want to do, I’m a little more confident in my second week at the gym. (Click Here to read about my first week)  I’ve got my glute workout planned out, got my gym gear on, and head out to the new location.IMG_6536 Continue reading

Eating Clean and Whole30

Clean Eating, or Eating Clean, is the new buzzword when it comes to healthy diets nowadays.  This is my take on it and what I mean when I say that’s how I eat *most of the time*.  I’ll also give you my thoughts on the Whole 30 program, where I first heard and learned about whole foods and clean eating.

You can learn about Whole30 from their website, where they conveniently break down the program into 8 steps.  But in my own words, Whole30 is a 30 day digestive reset for your system.  You remove all the processed foods and potentially inflammatory foods from your diet and only eat real, unprocessed foods from the approved food list.  Yes, there are some real foods on the list of do not eat items.  You can scour the site and find out why you shouldn’t eat them on whole30 but from all the researching I have done, the items are potentially inflammatory or harsh on your system.  So for the 30 days you’re on whole30, you don’t eat them and see how your body responds.

I first heard about Whole30 from an old coworkers Instagram post.  Just want to take a moment and acknowledge how influential Instagram has been on my journey to health! Instagram brought me Whole30 and Kayla Itsines! She and her boyfriend were doing ‘Whole30′ and I was looking to lose weight.  Her pictures of super healthy food were intriguing.  So I googled it and read up on program and decided to give this thing a try.  Yes, the no alcohol and sugar were going to be tough but I can do anything for 30 days!  FullSizeRender_2

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Gym Chronicles: Learning the Ropes

The adventures continue with my first week at the gym…

So I’ve joined the gym, scheduled my free personal training for the first day (click here to read that fiasco) and packed my bag the night before.  I’m all set! Or so I think…. Once I get to work, I realize I’ve forgotten both a towel and an armband.  No big deal, I can make due without the towel and armband for my first day.  Once I get to the gym however, I realize I’ve also forgotten a lock!  Soul Cycle was the last ‘gym’ type thing I had been to and they have locks for you built into the lockers. Oy!  

I change, shove my purse and bag into a locker that’s broken, hoping no one will use it and go ask the front desk if they happen to have loaner locks.  At this point, I am already wary of the gym in general, but I have goals and I was so excited to join the gym, I am not going to let this deter me!  The front desk doesn’t have a lock for me to borrow but the kind gentleman told me he would place my stuff behind the counter while I workout.  Better than nothing!

img_4871With my stuff secure and the trainer busy, I go and get in my pre-planned HIIT session on the treadmill while I wait for him.  Earlier in the week I had looked up glute workouts to do at the gym so I had a rough mental list of exercises I wanted to do that day.  Once I completed the HIIT workout and figured out my trainer was now unavailable, I set out to do the glute workouts.

Here’s where the fun begins…. I go to the leg press machine, I had done this in the high school weight room (some 12 years earlier!) and I didn’t remember it being too difficult to figure out.  I got this!   Continue reading

#Kaylaversary One Year of BBG!

Today, on a #TransformationTuesday is my one year Kaylaversary! I’ve been doing BBG one year today and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. As in my previous post, I have been a yo-yo dieter and workout girl for all my adult (and even teen) life.  When I came across Kayla Itsines from an internet search on motivational women in fitness to follow, I was immediately intrigued. I have always loved before and afters and this girls page was FILLED with thimg_1923em!

I watched and observed the BBG Community from a distance for awhile. I was in absolute awe of what these women were achieving, but I still doubted that it would work for me. I knew I could be healthier and in better shape, I had done it before!  But the results from this BBG program were above and beyond what I thought my body was capable of becoming. img_2269-1I bought the first guide, started it, and it was HARD!! I don’t think I have ever been so sore! I LOVED IT!! I committed myself to get in all 3 resistance workouts and at least 2 LISS days a week. I was really good about it for the first 4 weeks, taking pictures every 2 weeks along the way and never intending to post them to Instagram.  Continue reading

About Me!

Like many girls and women I have been conscious of my body and what I thought it looked like compared to others for as long as I can remember. Also like many people, my story is a story of yo-yo dieting.

I grew up in a small farming town in Oregon and was active for most of my youth,playing basketball and volleyball; I was a cheerleader and even tried my hand at track in High School. However, I was always the chubbier one. Continue reading